Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Paid To Stuff Envelopes

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A complete get paid to stuff envelopes review. Is it true that you can make money from stuffing envelopes or was this all just a big lie or scam after all? Find out about the shocking truth of stuffing envelope jobs.

What is stuff envelopes and how do I get paid?

Everybody loves to make extra money from home and get paid to stuff envelopes is one of the most exciting subject, among others. Stuffed envelope are those type of forwarded letters that were sent to a massive randomly selected addresses which contains some sort of advertisements attached along with sale envelopes. The basic and most important rule that you should know before decided to get paid to stuff envelopes is one does not get paid to actually send a stuffed envelope, but rather when a sale has been made. I'll explain more on this matter later.

Work at home stuff envelopes

Lets face it, who wouldn't want to quit their day job to make money working at home stuffing envelopes from home and get paid much more than we already made in a year. Out of many work at home options, paid to stuff envelopes is probably one of the top choice people tend to get cheated to. Work from home stuff envelopes maybe is a profitable home working environment in 1950s, but apparently, it has turned into a big scam which takes advantage of those who is trying to earn honest money working at home stuffing envelopes.

So is envelope stuffing a scam?

From a certain point of view, yes it is. Out of the various companies that you will come across, many of it fall under scams. Very little from the list are actually a legitimate envelope stuffing programs. For instance, you can recognize a stuffing envelopes scammer through their unnecessary obligation for envelopers to send an initial payment fees, either for a starter kit or processing fee. Sounds ridiculous right? That is why you must take extra precautions to this envelope stuffing scam phenomenon. Below is some tips to avoid being scammed from those illegitimate sites.

- There is no need to choose companies that require you to send money to them first in order to start getting paid to stuff envelopes.

- There is no form of contact information whatsoever(email or phone number) that was provided through the offer that you get.

- The offer they gave is just too good to be true, promising you with ridiculously lots of money in return with just little efforts. For example:
What if I could show you how to make $30 in 10 minutes, over and over again, while you sitting at home in your pajamas ... would you be excited?

- Most of the sale page is concentrated in explaining how much they "make" and how they spent the money after getting rich quickly from paid to stuff envelopes, the very same ad they were promoting to you.

The truth about making money stuffing envelopes

I bet you have had this crazy idea on earning easy money stuffing envelopes. Frankly, I too had experienced the same idea. We were led to believe that we will get paid to stuff envelopes for each person that we sent the envelope to, over and over again, making it sounded like this is ultimate money making scheme out there. Its so easy to make money right?...WRONG! Stuffing envelopes for money isn't as easy as it appears to be. The one thing that you were not told by the ad company is that you will not get paid for each and every mailed envelopes. But instead, they only pay you when a sale has been made under your account. If you pay more attention, you will notice that the stuff envelopes that you supposed to send was actually the very same offer that you were presented - How To Make Money Stuffing Envelopes.

To make this less confusing, imagine the following situation. John is eagerly trying to make extra money. One day, he come across a website or received a junk mail that offer a paid to stuff envelopes program, claiming that you can get $1 to $2 for every stuffed envelope that you processed. Without thinking much, John decided to give it a try and pay the processing fee of $29. He then receive a package containing the same ad that he had received before, only this time, it includes John as the referrer. Hoping that he could make money out of stuffing envelopes, John quickly distribute the ad to as many addresses that he possibly could. Time passes and he still didn't get what he was promised. After a while, he understood the literature of money envelopes and only then he realize that he was scammed. He didn't actually get paid to stuff envelopes but only when someone who is on the receiving end send the same processing fee of $29 to the company, the very same amount of payment that he once made. Even after that much of hassle, John probably paid as little as $2 per registration.

Stuffing envelopes job

Doing envelope stuffing job as your main job is a pretty big decision for you to make. Apart from its high risk investments, choosing the wrong path on paid to stuff envelopes can lead to the waste of your time and money, making the whole concept of envelope job stuffing become pointless. So before you decided to jump into envelope jobs, ask yourself this one simple question, are you willing to sacrifice your full time and efforts into stuffing envelopes all day long?

Mailing Envelopes

One of the most important detail to consider if you are going to be successful with paid to stuff envelope is the way you mailed the stuffed envelopes. We must make the envelope to be exciting and informative as possible in order to generate any sale. Various case study has proven that first impression plays a major role in increasing sales performance, which is why we must improve our envelope mailing skills. Who would want to open a crappy envelope with hand-written address that is hard to read? Just remember that home mailing jobs can be very profitable paid to program if you know the do's and don'ts and follow them accordingly. For a start, try to provide a complete stuff envelopes mailers address and contact information so they can refer to you when needed. You will find it far more easy to make a deal to readers that have trusted you rather than randomly selected person you meet on the street.

Envelope stuffing companies

Upon months of investigation, I have come across many paid to stuff envelopes business sites but sadly enough, none of them appears to be legitimate. Most of those companies require a startup fee which is unnecessary to begin with. I am not going to reveal those sites as I'm afraid you would fall right into their trap. Just think about it, if stuff envelope is really an easy and legit money maker, everybody would be doing it right now. There are lots of other untapped business alternative waiting to be explored beside envelope stuffing business.

In conclusion, get paid to stuff envelopes is obviously a scam, you will NOT get paid for every stuffed envelopes you mailed. Don't believe into the notion that says you can make lots of money with just little efforts. If you really want to get paid stuffing envelopes, just do it on your own. By saying that, I meant that you could sell your own products or someone else's and getting commission from it.

I really hope by the end of this post, you have been enlightened about the truth of paid to stuff envelopes.

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